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This Narrator: Bill Grady

How You Can Create Advertising That Really Works by Bill Grady

How You Can Create Advertising That Really Works

by Bill Grady

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
1 Hr. 46 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 2 ratings


Give me 99 minutes and I guarantee you will gain the know-how to build a better, stronger, more profitable advertising program or your money back!

Here’s what you’ll learn in my seminar:

Where can I advertise?

  • Learn the strengths and weaknesses of 8 mediums: Television, Cable TV, Newspaper, Radio, Yellow Pages, Billboards, Direct Mail and Word of Mouth.

    What went wrong with my ad?

  • Poor Message? Poor Timing? Poor Planning?

    What are the 3 keys to advertising success?

  • Message, Repetition and Executing the Plan!

    How can I write ads that get results?

  • Learn the Three C’s of Ad Copy and the Top 10 Most Powerful Words in the English Language, and get tips on writing persuasive headlines and hooks that use simple language and appeal to your customers’ emotions. In short, they work!

    How much should I spend?

  • Learn a formula that works for any business, any size, any type to answer this question and help you to determine the amount you should never spend above.

    Recent Comments About The Seminar

    "What was the most valuable? How to write effective ad copy. Passive and intrusive types of advertising shed new light on how I looked at the mediums."

    "Bill is a very professional speaker, well knowledgeable in this topic."

    "Didn't talk 'above' people, kept it simple."

    "Everything was a learning experience and very informative."

    "Presentation up beat, not too long. Covered all areas of the media."

    "I thought that I learned so much from the class. Please have more classes on marketing and advertising."

    For information on how you can have Bill Grady present his seminar "How You Can Create Advertising That Really Works!" at your next franchise meeting, association meeting, or convention, just e-mail him at this address: starcom@frontiernet.net

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