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This Author: Roger Dawson
This Narrator: Roger Dawson
This Publisher: Nightingale-Conant

The Ultimate Roger Dawson Library by Roger Dawson

The Ultimate Roger Dawson Library

Topics for Success

by Roger Dawson

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
11 Hrs. 19 Min.


The Nightingale-Conant Corporation is pleased to present The Ultimate Roger Dawson Library - a collection of the greatest ideas in sound ever recorded by one of Nightingale-Conant's most popular and most impactful authors.

All the way back in 1985, Nightingale-Conant published Roger's first full-scale audio program - on six cassettes - called The Secrets of Power Negotiating. At the time, Roger was a little-known speaker and entrepreneur from England, and during that time, no one had any idea how the product would sell. The Secrets of Power Negotiating not only became one of the best-selling audio products in Nightingale-Conant history - with hundreds of thousands of copies sold - but it quickly became a favorite of some of Nightingale's best customers. The Secrets of Power Negotiating was invariably among their top five all-time favorite audio albums. That initial success led to several more top-selling audio programs over the years - The Secrets of Power Persuasion, The Secrets of Power Performance, The Secrets of Power Negotiating for Salespeople, Confident Decision Making, The Weekend Millionaire's Real Estate Investing Program (coauthored with Mike Summey), and several others. You'll hear the most renowned, classic segments from all of Roger's programs in this audio presentation.

Roger Dawson, born in England, came to this country in 1962, becoming a US citizen in 1972. His business background includes being president of one of California's largest real estate companies, with 28 offices, 540 sales associates, and a volume of over $400 million per year. As a full-time speaker since 1982, he has trained managers and salespeople at the top companies and business associations throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Taiwan, China, New Zealand, and Australia. He was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame in 1991. Business executives love Roger Dawson for his ability to teach their people how to improve profits and make more sales with his Power Negotiating tactics. Meeting planners love Roger Dawson for his ability to put on a terrific presentation that is custom-tailored to their audiences and filled with content and humor.

In this series of inspirational and idea-packed classic segments, you'll also discover his remarkable ability to take incredibly complex ideas in the arena of business, deal-making, real estate, and personal success - and to distill those ideas down to simple, easy-to-understand language, delivered in the friendly easy-going manner that made Roger famous. The sessions that follow range in time from 1985 all the way to 2003, so we ask you to forgive any dated references or change in audio quality. Our goal was to bring you all the classic segments, in their original form, which have been inspiring customers for decades.

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