Life is an unending series of negotiations. Whether you're looking for the best deal, a better salary, or just a fair compromise at the workplace or at home, every day you are faced with situations that draw on your ability to get other people to give you what they have. Imagine how much easier-and more rewarding-life would be if you entered every negotiation knowing how to get what you want without giving up anything yourself.Master negotiator Roger Dawson's "Principles of Power Negotiating" will teach you how to win any negotiation-whether personal or professional. Included in this comprehensive collection of inside secrets are priceless techniques for:
Mastering every stage of a negotiation, from opening gambits to closing the dealRecognizing unethical techniquesNegotiating pressure pointsResolving tough negotiationsAnd in a special bonus CD, Dawson tells you how to get a better deal than you ever dreamed possible the next time you buy a car or negotiate a raise.
Never leave your fate in the hands of a superior negotiator again. Apply the SECRETS OF POWER NEGOTIATING to every aspect of your life!