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Tribe of Mentors Podcast by Tim Ferriss

Tribe of Mentors Podcast

by Tim Ferriss

Title Details

Tim Ferriss is the author of such bestsellers as The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body, and host of the hugely popular podcast The Tim Ferriss Show. Tim Ferriss has a new podcast that goes along with his latest book called Tribe of Mentors. In the first 30-minute episode Ferriss discusses the genesis of his latest book and reads the introduction. Coming off a tough year he posed himself some questions which he didn't have the answers too, so he decided to write up a master list of who he'd most like to learn the answers from. He reached out to hundreds of potential candidates with 11 questions. About half of the people he reached out to responded and these became his "tribe of mentors". In the podcast you'll hear responses to the questions from over dozen mentors from the book answering these 11 questions. Ferriss draws from a variety of masters in different fields to get the answers that sometime converge and sometimes contradict each other. Learn about answers to some very interesting questions posed by Tim Ferriss in this new short-form podcast.

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