Expand your transformational practice. Are you a professional coach who wants to improve your skills and the success of your practice? Are you an individual or professional interested in personal transformation or transformational coaching? Then Coaching the Life Coach: Strategies to Grow Your Transformational Practice is for you. This weekly audio program provides a gateway to the best and most effective coaches in the business, giving you access to their approaches, unique selling proposition, business differentiation strategies and sales and marketing tools and templates. Jason D. McClain, Host of Coaching the Life Coach is committed to moving you from survival to success and from success to “thrival.” Through weekly interviews with successful coaches, artfully guided by Jason, you will gain the strategic business foundation required for success in the 21st century marketplace. Each week, a coach reveals the secrets they attribute to their prosperity and fulfillment. Whether their specialty is relationships, marketing, professional accountability, finance, habit and behavioral change, or living ones spiritual purpose, you will be exposed to the single principle that they feel is the most important and critical for success. Each week Jason will also guide you through the individual tactics of one aspect of running a successful practice. You get hands-on advice about website design and management, search engine marketing SEM, search engine optimization SEO, email marketing, database management, pricing and service options, contracts, the selling process, qualifying potential clients, boosting referrals, public speaking, public relations, marketing communications, billing and collections, even podcasting! Brought to you by Personal Life Media. Editorial Outcome Clarification NLP and Living Your Purpose Relationship Coaching: Authenticity Intake Sessions to Grow Your Business Smart Marketing: Good Copy: Tips Communication Excellence Clear Action Strategies Leveraging your mind for change.You will learn how injecting love, joy, and connection in the marketplace and even in the boardroom itself can transform organizations and increase productivity through the increasing happiness of the individual. Jason and Ali will also discuss how the first step to love is to reveal and receive feedback about who they truly are and how they are perceived, regardless of their role and how the company is an outgrowth of the individuals, rather than the individuals being a by-product of the organization.
In addition, Ali and Jason will discuss power and responsibility and what that can make possible for you personally and for your business.
Finally, you will learn the difference studying and having relationships with successful people in all domains financially, personally, relationally, professionally can make in your life and in your business.