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This Author: Stan Slap
This Narrator: Stan Slap
This Publisher: Tantor Audio

Bury My Heart at Conference Room B by Stan Slap

Bury My Heart at Conference Room B

The Unbeatable Impact of Truly Committed Managers

by Stan Slap

Video About This Audio Book

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
6 Hrs. 41 Min.


The stories about Stan Slap are so remarkable that they seem like myths: He brought a room full of top-level Microsoft managers to tears, leaving them cheering "I'm hurting, too!" After a single speech at Patagonia, the company asked him to join its board of directors. One CEO described him as "Stephen Covey meets Nine Inch Nails". All this from a man who never graduated from business school, college, or even high school.

Bury My Heart at Conference Room B harnesses the awe-inspiring insights of Slap's life-changing management workshops. The book is a powerful tool for creating emotional commitment in managers. That means unchecked, unvarnished devotion to the company. If you've ever witnessed a human being emotionally committed to a cause - working like they're being paid a million when they're not being paid a dime - you know that discretionary effort is worth more than their financial, intellectual, and physical commitment combined. Through unexpected case studies and a battle-tested self-assessment program, Slap shows how to help people live their deepest personal values at work, with huge payoffs for the companies that support their engagement.

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