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This Author: Peter Navarro
This Publisher: Modern Scholar

Big Picture MBA by Peter Navarro

Big Picture MBA

What Every Business School Graduate Knows

by Peter Navarro

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
8 Hrs.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


This course is designed to give listeners an overview of the MBA degree - one of the most valuable graduate degrees available. The focus is on the major courses taught in the core curriculum at any one of the top fifty business schools in the United States.

We begin with an overview of the MBA core curriculum then proceed systematically through each of the major courses taught at America's top business schools - from accounting, finance, and marketing to economics, organizational behavior, and strategy. The course concludes with two lectures that will help you select, apply to, and prepare for your business schools of choice. However, you don't have to be a prospective student to benefit from this course. Any business executive wishing to further hone his or her management skills will find this course to be extremely valuable.

Lecture 1 An Overview of the MBA Curriculum: Looking at the Forest Before the Trees

Lecture 2 Statistics, Decision Analysis, and Modeling: How the Numbers Help Us Manage

Lecture 3 Strategic Marketing: Moving Your Products

Lecture 4 Operations and Supply Chain Management: Getting the Stuff Out the Door

Lecture 5 Financial Accounting: "Doing the Numbers" for Investors, Regulators, and Other External Users

Lecture 6 Managerial Accounting: "Doing the Numbers" for Internal Decision Making and Control

Lecture 7 Corporate Finance: The Ultimate Money Game

Lecture 8 Organizational Behavior: The Rodney Dangerfield of the B-School Curriculum

Lecture 9 Strategic Human Resource Management: The Awesome Power of People

Lecture 10 Management Strategy: Outfoxing Your Rivals

Lecture 11 Macroeconomics: Managing the Business Cycle for Competitive Advantage

Lecture 12 Managerial Economics: Microeconomics for Managers

Lecture 13 So You Want to Get an MBA?: Some Basics

Lecture 14 Applying - and Getting Into - Your Business School of Choice

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