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This Author: Sharon L. Lechter
This Narrator: Sharon L. Lechter
This Publisher: Made for Success

Take Control of Your Money...Your Life by Sharon L. Lechter

Take Control of Your Money...Your Life

It's Your Turn to Thrive Series

by Sharon L. Lechter

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
18 Min.


Sharon Lechter is passionate about you and your financial health. As co-author of the bestselling books Think and Grow Rich-Three Feet From Gold and Rich Dad Poor Dad, and founder of Pay Your Family First, Sharon is dedicated to sharing relevant and actionable steps to help you build a strong and sustainable financial foundation for your family. In recognition of her efforts, Sharon was asked by both Presidents Bush and Obama to serve as a member of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy, and by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants to serve as a national spokesperson for the National CPAs Commission on Financial Literacy.

While, honored by this national and international recognition, Sharon's passion is still focused on sharing practical and real ..financial action steps for anyone seeking to improve their financial lives. Please enjoy It's Your Turn to Thrive, an audio series designed just for you.

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