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This Author: Bill Gates
This Narrator: Bill Gates
This Publisher: MIT World

Software Breakthroughs by Bill Gates

Software Breakthroughs

Solving the Toughest Problems in Computer Science

by Bill Gates


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 12 Min.
User Rating
  4.9  Stars Based on 8 ratings


Bill Gates’ talk at MIT provided an optimistic view of the next generation of computer science, now that the “rough draft” is done. Gates finds a paradox today in that computer science is poised to transform work and home life, “but people’s excitement level is not as high as it was five years ago during the Internet bubble.” Because most sectors of the computer industry—from microchips to storage, displays to wireless connectivity— continuously improve in performance, Gates predicts a flood of new products and applications. He sported a wristwatch that receives data wirelessly, as well as keeps its user on schedule. Gates describes "rich, new peripherals" such as ultra-wideband digital cameras and he demonstrates software that allows pictures to be archived using a 3D visual interface with a built-in time, date, and keyword database. He says that computer science is merging with and making over such fields as astronomy and biology, by unifying vast, unwieldy data collections into easily navigable libraries. And Gates appears confident that technological breakthroughs will ultimately resolve urgent problems of computer and network security.

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