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This Author: Jay Abraham
This Narrator: Jay Abraham
This Publisher: Nightingale-Conant

93 Extraordinary Referral Systems by Jay Abraham

93 Extraordinary Referral Systems

by Jay Abraham

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
3 Hrs. 20 Min.


Discover the ease of selling to referred customers!

In fact, if you ask professional salespeople and marketers, they will invariably tell you that referral prospects are the easiest people to sell to and the most time and cost efficient! When I discovered the power of referrals, my own business profits went up millions of dollars! And my students have met with similar results.

Why are referrals more eager to buy than typical prospects? It's simply human nature! People are usually attracted to like-minded people. Therefore, if one person buys a product or service, the chances are they know someone who also would enjoy the same. In most cases, the person giving you the referral will even call the prospect and introduce you and your product or service and let them know you will be calling. The referred prospect then becomes warmer and more open to hearing about your offer because they already heard how good your product or service is!

You'll never have to worry about coming off as an intrusive salesperson to new prospects. Now you'll be viewed as a friend, consultant or expert. Think of the advantage you'd have over the competition who are spending countless dollars trying to sell their products and services to unwilling, skeptical prospects. Referrals will welcome you and your product or service!

I'm going to show you how to put these referral systems in place - no matter what your business! And not just one, two, or even fifty referral systems…but 93 of them!

Turn your current customers into a 24-hour sales force…at no cost to you!

Now, for the first time ever, I'd like to offer you what I'm considering to be the most important weapon in any marketing arsenal…93 Extraordinary Referral Systems.

This program contains highly detailed explanations and experiences that 93 past attendees of my Mastermind seminars have successfully employed to develop referral systems for their hugely successful businesses.

By listening to them, by hearing what they say, by learning what they've done, you'll come to know how to apply, adapt, adopt, and incorporate nearly 100 different referral systems into a powerful, referral-producing money machine of your own.

All of this information comes from the very people who used and developed or refined them to such great benefit themselves!

These are real world, success-proven, profit-certain strategies that are currently accounting for over $150 million in sales and profits.

And, with 93 Extraordinary Referral Systems, you'll also receive the extensive, supremely useful implementation and action-planning guidebook called "Turning Customers and Clients Into a 24-Hour No-Cost Sales Force." It is perfect for formulating and formalizing referral systems into your own optimal business strategy.

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