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Songs For Motivation by Michele Blood

Songs For Motivation

by Michele Blood


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 02 Mins.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


This is our second compilation CD of our most powerful and worldwide popular MusiVation Success Affirmation Songs series. In 'Songs For MotiVation' here areĀ 11 of our most powerful Songs to help ANYONE program their powerful mind back to its pure state where we FEEL enthusiasm for life and self motivated. Where we know we can achieve anything. These songs affect the right and left hemispheres of the brain so you have a whole brain experience and the affirmations go into the treasury of your powerful subconscious mind 300 times faster than any other method.

This is why advertising agencies invest multi millions and billions into jingles because they know it works. With MusiVation mind technology YOU are the one programming your own mind to one of Success and Strength of character so that Step by Step you DO climb YOUR own ladder to victory.

Listen over and over again so that you will be so self-motivated and excited about your life and career that people will watch you in AWE. Great for anyone and any age. Give one of these CD's to every one of your team, fellow students and work colleagues. Watch your business, life force and sales INCREASE!!

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