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Babe Ruth's Own Book of Baseball by George Ruth

Babe Ruth's Own Book of Baseball

by George Ruth

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
6 Hrs. 35 Mins.


The famous pitcher and home-run hitter, Babe Ruth, gives us the inside scoop on all aspects of playing professional baseball.

"Get you hot inside tips here"...or, how to play really good baseball. Learn why young pitchers fail, how the catcher can make or break a pitcher, what the outfielder needs, and how to improve timing and swing. Learn what makes the curve balls curve, the type of hitters who are fooled by slow stuff, the value of waiting, and the bunt attack and how it is put over. Learn too, a little bit about the men who played the game, and what it takes for success in baseball.


      Glossary of baseball terms
   1. The Baltimore River front - Street corner baseball - Days at St. Mary’s - The first contract - A word of advice from Brother Gilbert - The big leagues at last - The climb upward - Aid from team-mates - A $70,000 contract - Looking back
   2. Baseball like a battle - Two big divisions, offense and defense - What they are - Old-fashioned defensive play - The shift to modem offensive baseball - Great defensive teams of history - Some pitching marvels - Pitching the keystone of defensive play - Defensive stars of today
   3. Pitching the keynote of defense - The pitcher’s job - Why young pitchers fail - Control as a pitching factor - How to obtain control - Alexander the old master- Shocker gets by on “nothing” - Shockey gives a few words of advice to “rookies“ - Practice counts most
   4. Studying the batter - Shocker a marvel - His system - Pennock’s style of pitching - His pitching rule - Hoyt weighs in with advice - Pitching to weakness and strength - Playing the corners - Mixing them up - Quinn a bluffer - How Hoyt uses his fast one
   5. The pitching motion - How Zahniser betrayed his curve ball - Ruth’s tongue gets him into trouble - Sherry Smith catches runners off first base - Hinkey Haines, experience - Slow ball pitching - Why it is valuable - The type of hitters who are fooled by slow stuff - Experience counts - Fielding aids pitcher
   6. What makes the curve balls curve - The fast ball - The “hook” - Freak deliveries - The spit ball - The screw ball - Its purpose - The knuckle ball - Rommel and Pipgras use it best - Curve ball pitchers who have made baseball history - Fast balls that are tricky - Few yarns of pitching greatness
   7. The infield - The greatest play of the 1927 world series - Joe Dugan pulled it - Lazzeri spikes Pirate guns - Great second base combinations - The double play - The snap throw to base - Great arms in baseball - Travis Jackson gets Jake Daubert’s goat - Casey Stengel tells one - What to look for in infield play
   8. Playing the outfield - The kid idea - Stars who have scintillated in the outfield - Great outfielders of all time - Their methods of play - What the outfielder needs - What he must look out for - Playing the hitter - Making the throw - Some great outfield plays - Sam Rice’s great catch - Harry Hooper, the old master
   9. The catcher - His importance in the game - Directing the play - Famous batteries of other days - How the catcher can make or break a pitcher - Handling high fouls, the catcher’s toughest job - John Grabowski’s great play that resulted in a change of rules - Holding men on bases - The snap throw to first - Signs and what they are - Ray Schalk, the master
  10. Team play - What it is - What it means - Signs and how they operate - The pitch-out - Backing up the throw - The cut-off play - How it was invented - The coaches, and their duties - Miller Huggins puts one over - The McGraw coaching system - A world series episode - The old practice of signal stealing - How it operated - Out-of-date now - Dangers of signal stealing
  11. Cobb is game’s greatest natural hitter - Is master of style - A few Cobb yarns - Swing hitters and choke hitters - Importance and weakness of each style - Gehrig’s hitting style - What makes him great - Willie Keeler’s motto - The value of waiting - Correcting batting faults
  12. Hitting style - Naturalness at the plate - Simmons’ freak batting stance - Joey Sewell has ideal stance - The Ruthian swing - How it develops power - Selecting the proper bat - Timing an important factor in hitting - How to improve timing and swing
  13. Hits are valuable only in so far as they score runs - Levsen pitches two hit game and loses - Real test of hitting is ability to smack ball when hits mean runs - The danger of “tightening up” - Hitting slumps and how to overcome them - Bunting, its value and use - Great bunters and how they operated - The bunt attack and how it is put over
  14. Waiting ‘em out! - Frank Chance puts one over - Jamieson smacks the first one - Not always easy to wait - Trying to outguess the pitcher - The intentional pass - Putting on the hit and run play - Eddie Collins a master at it - Huggins expresses an opinion
  15. The batting order - The kid idea - Getting the most out of hitting strength - The leadoff man - Combs and Waner are good - No reason why pitchers shouldn’t be good hitters - A few examples - Heaviest hitters bat third and fourth, that’s the scoring position
  16. Team work counts - The hit and run, and when to use it - The squeeze play - Urban Shocker puts it over great - A bit of advice on base running - Great base runners the game has seen - Schang pulls a good line on Cobb - The slide an important feature of base running - Spiking no longer done - The story of how spiking began
  17. Huggins a psychologist - How he put it over on the Pirates in the world series - Baseball superstitions - McGraw turns one to advantage and wins an important series - College men in baseball - What they have contributed to the game - Ball players who make good outside of baseball - Zane Grey once a professional - Billy Sunday and Governor Tener
  18. The men who play - What they are like off the field - Mere human beings like other people - The road trips - Days in the hotels - Fads and fancies - Koenig an expert pianist - Hoyt a great reader - Huggins a financial student - Shawkey a great hunter - Baseball, with them, not a game but a business - The men who play are business men
  19. How the average fan looks on professional baseball - It is a business but a short lived one - Why publicity hurts sometimes - Keeping a physical edge - The value of training - What it takes for success in baseball - A few rules for the young player

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