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This Narrator: Robert Thurman
This Publisher: Sounds True

The Jewel Tree of Tibet by Robert Thurman

The Jewel Tree of Tibet

by Robert Thurman

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
9 Hrs. 30 Min.


Tibetans call their cherished tradition of Buddhism a "wish-fulfilling jewel tree" for its power to generate bliss and enlightenment within all who absorb its teachings. This path to enlightenment, it is taught, requires more than a sitting meditation practice alone. With The Jewel Tree of Tibet, honored scholar and teacher Robert Thurman brings these insights to you as they were meant to be transmitted – through the spoken word.

As a young seeker almost 40 years ago, Thurman first journeyed to Dharamsala, where he became the first Westerner ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Now, Thurman guides you lucidly through the unifying principles of Tibetan Buddhism’s many branches. You will discover Tibetan Buddhism’s detailed map of the "the bliss state of enlightenment"; the principles of tantra for opening the doors to "infinite compassion and continuity"; and how to overcome the dangers of the spiritual quest to discover states of consciousness that transcend even death.

Finally, here is Robert Thurman on audio, offering a rich and intellectually riveting retreat program – complete with many specific meditations and spiritual practices to fully immerse you in the mysteries of The Jewel Tree of Tibet.

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