There is a purpose we all share, and it has nothing to do with the future. What is it? To align fully with whatever is arising in this moment. On Discovering Our True Purpose, bestselling author Eckhart Tolle investigates the surprising two-fold meaning of your life, and how we can all participate in the collective shift in human consciousness from “thought-based” reality to a pure awareness rooted in consciousness itself.
Discovering Our True Purpose brings you into the vibrant presence of Eckhart Tolle as he offers his one-of-a-kind guidance into:
• How to escape the trap of thinking
• Awakening to the beauty of simply being
• Presence as the eternal “I am”
• The intelligence found in stillness
• Enjoying the world of form without expectations
• How to recognize the deeper essence of another human being
“You are an opening of consciousness, and that’s what life wants with you,” teaches Eckhart Tolle. Discovering Our True Purpose is a 90-minute session to help you make the most of this opportunity, for the good of all.