Science shows that meditation helps you deal more effectively with stress, worry, guilt, fear, depression, addictions, and many other things that rob you of your energy. A regular practice of meditation gives you:
* more energy
* better sleep
* better digestion
* fewer illnesses
* improved self-esteem
* dynamic health
* and a greater sense of meaning and purpose to your life
Meditation Monthly will teach you a series of simple techniques that slow down your brain activity and relax your body so that you can give yourself a mental and physical rest and boost any time you need it.
Each monthly lesson includes one session with a guided meditation and music and a second session with music alone so you can practice what you have learned. And you can listen to the music absolutely anywhere you like to relax, let go of stress, and feel more energized.
In these sessions, you’ll discover and experience meditations to help you:
* Get away from everything and see a more realistic perspective of your world and your problems
* Fully inflate and deflates your lungs, giving them the exercise they were designed to have
* Relax your body and manage your energy spending throughout the day
* Slow down your brain activity and rest so you can more easily focus on what you are doing
* Identify and release from your mind those things in your life that cause you stress
* Feel less scattered and have less anxiety
* And much more!