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Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy! by Michael J. Bradley

Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy!

Loving Your Kid Without Losing Your Mind

by Michael J. Bradley

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
7 Hrs. 25 Mins.
User Rating
  4.7  Stars Based on 3 ratings


“An invaluable parachute for parents diving into the teen years.” —Publishers Weekly

“…fascinating insights into the turbulent adolescent mind and excellent techniques to help parents deal with it.” —Marguerite Kelly, Nationally syndicated columnist for The Washington Post.

“…everybody who cares about the future of the human race has lots to learn from this guy. You can’t afford not to read this book.” —Martin Sheen

“This book for the perplexed parents of teenagers is so rich and informative, so sensible in its approach, I could hardly put it down…. I recommend it to everyone, including kids.” —Clarice J. Kestenbaum, M.D., Past President, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

“You’ll be the ‘crazy’ one if you attempt to raise a teenager without the wisdom you’ll find on every page of this extraordinary book.” —Jack Canfield, Co-creator, Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul

"An expertly recorded, six-disc, 7 hour and 25 minute audiobook, Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy is very strongly recommended for its nicely organized and concisely presented guidance through the teenage psyche and the commonly enoucntered hardships of teenage life." —The Midwest Book Review


Raising a teenager was never supposed to be like this. In today’s world, every thirteen-year-old child is confronted with issues like sex, violence, drugs, alcohol, divorce, and easy access to guns. Yet in this new and sometimes terrifying 21st century, many parents struggle in vain to raise teens with 30-year-old rules that no longer work.

In Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy! psychologist Michael Bradley gives you the insight, the hope, and the help you need to safely steer your teenage children through the turbulence of adolescence.

First, Dr. Bradley takes you on an eye-opening journey into the new and radically different world of today’s teenagers—a place mined with pitfalls and perils.

Then he gives you a guided tour inside your teenager’s mind, explaining why teens act the way they do. He shows how cutting edge science explains the sometimes irrational, bizarre, and crazy behavior teenagers are famous for.

Finally, Dr. Bradley updates the rulebook. He shows you how you are the most important influence in your teenager’s life. And he gives you training and skills you need to transform your 21st century teen into a strong, confident, productive adult.

As you sit down to read Yes, Your Teen Is Crazy!, be prepared for Dr. Bradley’s no-holds-barred, frank, and sometimes irreverent straight talk. Also, get ready to laugh, to cry, and to feel a lump in your throat as he brings you face-to-face with the pain, the joys, and the triumphs of raising a teenager—one of the most important, challenging, and rewarding things you will ever do.

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