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This Author: Robert Rabbin
This Publisher: Wetware Media

Finding Clarity through Action by Robert Rabbin

Finding Clarity through Action

by Robert Rabbin

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
14 Mins.
User Rating
  4.5  Stars Based on 2 ratings


How can we heal our confusion and move into clarity?  How do we discern the "right" choice from the "wrong" choice?  Why is trying to think our way out of our dilemmas ineffective?  What is the alternative?
In this brief (but deep) telephone interview, Robert discusses the power that his fifth principle of authentic living — acting creatively — can have on our lives.

Distilling 40 years of study, practice, and realization, Robert Rabbin moves easily between diverse roles and communities, carrying with him the secrets to success — five principles of authentic living:

• Be Present

• Pay Attention

• Listen Deeply

• Speak Truthfully

• Act Creatively

Robert has field tested these principles in almost every conceivable situation. They work.

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