
Slim and Sexy Forever by Suzanne Somers

Slim and Sexy Forever

The Hormone Solution for Permanent Weight Loss and Optimal Living

by Suzanne Somers

Title Details

Abridged Edition
Running Time
4 Hrs. 9 Min.
User Rating
  3.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


Who says you can't sizzle in the second half of life?

At last, a solution! In Slim and Sexy Forever, Suzanne Somers outlines a program specifically designed to address the needs of women and men who want to lose weight and replace the lust for life that naturally wanes with age.

Suzanne also combines her cutting-edge information on natural hormone replacement with her successful weight loss program, Somersize, for a one-two punch that is the only proven solution to the problems associated with aging. Working with innovative doctors, Suzanne has created a program that alleviates symptoms such as mood swings, sleepless nights, hot flashes, and diminished sex drive that are so common as we get older. Simultaneously, her phenomenally successful Somersize program shows you how to beat a stalling metabolism and stay lean and trim while eating remarkably delicious food. With millions of people losing weight on the program, it is a proven formula for success.

Suzanne makes clear in this fascinating new book that if your hormones are out of balance, you will not be able to lose weight. Weight loss must be approached with a twofold strategy as you get older: balance your hormones the bioidentical way and eat correctly. One doesn't work without the other.

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