Gettysburg, Iwo Jima, Anzio, Guadalcanal, Omaha Beach, the Chosin Reservoir, Hamburger Hill. These places are woven into our national psyche because we all know someone who selflessly served their country in faraway places like these, defending the freedom we all share. Chicken Soup for the Veteran's Soul celebrates these extraordinary men and women who changed the course of history.You will be overcome with emotion from these powerful true stories of veterans and their families, many of whom are sharing their experiences for the first time. Whether they were prisoners of war, Congressional Medal of Honor recipients, USO volunteers, loved ones who waited at home, or GIs who battled daily in the trenches, they all put their dreams on hold, held fast to their faith and overcame their fears in the name of freedom.
Whether you are a veteran yourself, are related to one, or simply enjoy the rights that they fought so hard to defend, this remarkable book will leave you with a heightened admiration for our nation's best.