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This Author: Gini Graham Scott
This Publisher: Phoenix Audio

Mind Power by Gini Graham Scott

Mind Power

Visualizing Your Success in Business

by Gini Graham Scott

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
2 Hrs. 30 Min.


Mind Power: Visualizing Your Success in Business tells how to visualize and attain your highest goals in business and personal success. Through a series of powerful mental imaging exercises, you'll learn how to eliminate career-threatening time pressures, accomplish more in less time with fewer mistakes, and improve relationships in both your professional and personal life. Plus you get valuable techniques on how to improve vital skills such as memory and concentration, use intuition to solve problems and make decisions, increase your energy and confidence, and grasp new and complex technical information at lightning speed. Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., is an expert on mental imaging and has appeared on many national and local talk shows. A marketing and management consultant, speaker, and seminar leader, Dr. Scott has authored 6 books, including Strike It Rich, and is the founder of Creative Communications and Research.

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