In the legendary warrior kingdom of Shambhala, enlightened citizens lived in an advanced society based on fearlessness and non-aggression. Now Shambhala Warrior Training unlocks their secret: how to develop personal power through direct, genuine experience. In this intensive six-tape training course, Cynthia Kneen presents these ancient teachings as revealed through Tibet's most revered lineage of enlightened warriors. A living synthesis of archetypal, Buddhist, and shamanistic principles, Shambhala Warrior Training teaches you the authentic practices these noble people have used for centuries to cultivate their natural bravery, dignity, and gentleness.This stimulating program comprises 12 lessons that synthesize meditation, right action, and insight, leading you progressively to the heart of true warriorship. From the discovery of basic goodness - your innate human capacity for direct, personal experience - through the rousing of windhorse (the embodiment of universal forward energy), Kneen offers numerous time-tested methods for meeting your moment-to-moment experience with a brave and open heart. You will learn how to balance your physical and mental energies; how to break free of the cocoon that stifles your intrinsic richness; how to move beyond fear into fearlessness; and much more. Twelve in-depth lessons, completely covering the daily practice of Shambhala warriorship. Includes an 8-page booklet.