Every now and then a self-help book comes along that questions the very nature of happiness, shakes the very foundation of all the things you hold dear, and forces you to reconsider every assumption you've ever made. This isn't one of those books.
How to Do Everything and Be Happy is a book for ordinary people. With ordinary lives. It's for people who have been ambling along and wondering why they're not - well - just that little bit happier. It's a book for most people. It's a book for you.
Mumbo jumbo and jargon free, How to Do Everything and Be Happy is direct, practical, occasionally witty, and stuffed full of ways to make your life just that bit happier. If you've got a brain in your head, if you can pick up a pen, if you've got half an inkling about what makes you smile, How to Do Everything and Be Happy will show you how to fit those things into your life and, as a consequence, feel much, much happier.