Join best-selling author and highly esteemed Bible teacher John MacArthur as he studies the lives and faith of key women from both the Old and New Testaments. Written in the same style as his popular book "Twelve Ordinary Men," each chapter includes a biographical summary of the woman along with spiritual lessons drawn from her life. Beginning with an opening chapter about the inclusion of several women in Luke's genealogy of Christ, MacArthur then focuses on the following women in individual chapters: Rahab (Luke 1:3); Ruth (Luke 1:5); Mary, mother of Jesus (Luke 1:36-38); Anna (Luke 2:36-38); Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus (Luke 10:38-42); Mary Magdalene (Matt. 27:56-61); the woman at the well (John 4); the poor woman of Luke (21:1-4); Eve (Gen. 3); Sarah (Genesis 11-25); and Hannah (1 Sam. 1-2). The author also considers the seductress described in Proverbs 7 and the faithful woman described in Proverbs 31.