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This Author: Adyashanti
This Narrator: Adyashanti
This Publisher: Sounds True

True Meditation by Adyashanti

True Meditation

by Adyashanti

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
3 Hrs. 30 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 2 ratings


What would happen if you were to allow everything to be exactly as it is? If you gave up the need for control, and instead embraced the whole of your experience in each moment that arose?

In the 14 years that he studied Zen Buddhism, Adyashanti found that most seasoned meditators had used the practice as a means to a goal they never reached. Ultimately he realized that only when you let go of all techniques—even the concept of yourself as a meditator—will you open to the art of true meditation: dwelling in the natural state.

True Meditation invites you to join the growing number of seekers who have been touched by the wisdom of Adyashanti to learn:

-How to make the "effortless effort" that will vivify the present moment
-Meditative self-inquiry and The Way of Subtraction—how to ask a spiritually powerful question, and how to determine the real answer
-Three guided meditations intended to reveal what Adyashanti calls your home as awareness itself

We've been taught that awakening is difficult, explains Adyashanti, that to wake up from the illusion of separation takes years. But all it really takes is a willingness to look into the depths of your experience here and now. True Meditation gives you the opportunity to reclaim the original purpose of meditation—as a gateway to the objectless freedom of being.

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