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by Frank Peretti
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Ashton is just a typical small town. But when a skeptical reporter and a prayerful pastor begin to compare notes, they suddenly find themselves fighting a hideous New Age plot to subjugate the townspeople, and eventually the entire human race.
by T.D. Jakes
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New York Times best-selling author T.D. Jakes uses inspiration from the Lord’s Prayer to reveal how the act of forgiving - and learning to be forgiven - can lead you to a more joyful, peaceful, and purposeful life.
by C.S. Lewis
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Mere Christianity brings together what Lewis sees as the fundamental truths of the religion.
by C.S. Lewis
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This classic has entertained and enlightened readers the world over with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life from the vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to “Our Father Below.”
by John Piper
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Millions of people are wasting their lives pursuing dreams of happiness that don't rise above a good marriage, nice kids, a successful career, a nice car, fun vacations, nice friends, a fun retirement, a painless death, and (hopefully) no hell.
by Ravi Zacharias
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Jesus and Buddha agreed that Truth could withstand scrutiny. Listen in as the Soul of Truth speaks with the Heart of Compassion. It could change your life.
by Joel Osteen
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Can two words give you the power to change your life? Yes they can! In the chapters of his new book, best-selling author Joel Osteen shares a profound principle based on a simple truth
by Greg Gilbert
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This newest addition to the IX Marks series presents a clear, straightforward statement of the gospel, the third mark of a healthy church. What is the gospel? It seems like a simple question, yet it has been known to incite some heated responses, even in the church. How are we to formulate a clear, biblical understanding of the gospel?
by Elaine Pagels
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Millions of readers have turned to Elaine Pagels for her clear and insightful books about the Gnostic Gospels, the teachings of Jesus that have been lost for centuries.
by C.S. Lewis
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C. S. Lewis' dazzling allegory about Heaven and Hell - and the chasm fixed between them - is one of his most brilliantly imaginative tales, where we discover that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside.
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