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This Author: Jim Burgen
This Narrator: Van Tracy
This Publisher: Thomas Nelson Word

No More Dragons by Jim Burgen

No More Dragons

Get Free from Broken Dreams, Lost Hope, Bad Religion, and Other Monsters

by Jim Burgen

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
5 Hrs. 58 Min.


Becoming a dragon is a dangerously subtle process: a series of seemingly small choices add up until our hearts and skins are hardened, and we don't recognize ourselves in the mirror. If you've ever felt like you aren't who you used to be, or who you're supposed to be, there is a way out.

Jim Burgen was a preacher's kid who grew up loving church, until it felt like one day, he realized he was an adult who didn't. He'd burned out and was full of questions. An encounter with C.S. Lewis' Voyage of the Dawn Treader introduced him to Eustace, a little boy whose greed and hurt turned him into a dragon. He couldn't un-dragon himself, no matter how hard he tried. Only one person could: the good lion, Aslan. That day, Burgen's life changed forever.

With conversational, vulnerable, and oftentimes humorous language, Burgen takes us on a journey through the remarkable process of Jesus saving him from himself, and how that can be true for you, too. He wrestles with more-than-surface-level questions, like:

  • Why don't I like most churches?
  • What does the bible really say about how we should interact with people Christian culture have labeled "other?"
  • Where is God in difficult times?
  • Is Jesus the only way you can "un-dragon" yourself?

Whether you're trying to figure out this whole Jesus thing, or you've been in church all your life but you're still full of questions, this approachable book is for you.

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