The antichrist - sword of Islam...or scourge out of Europe?
Now, more than ever, an increasing number of experts are convinced that the Antichrist will not come out of Europe. Instead, they say, he will come from one of the Islamic nations that now surround Israel.
However, this is one case where the experts are almost certainly wrong. Indeed, a thorough analysis of the pertinent data proves that it's actually impossible for the Antichrist to be a Muslim or an Arab. And all of that data and analysis can be found in The Islamic Antichrist Myth - the powerful new essay by Charles K. Bassett.
In this exciting audiobook, listeners will learn why:
- The characteristics of the Mahdi (Islam's hoped-for messiah) do not shed light on the Antichrist's homeland or religion.
- The people responsible for destroying the Temple in 70 AD were not the Arabs, but the Romans.
- The Bible does not say that the Antichrist will conquer Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece.
- The Antichrist is not the leader of the Islamic nations, but their bitter enemy.
All of these concepts, and many more, are fully covered in The Islamic Antichrist Myth. And they lead to one conclusion: The Antichrist cannot be a Muslim hero. Instead, he must be a Roman Caesar who will lead the world to ruin...and the Battle of Armageddon!
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