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This Author: John Daido Loori Roshi
This Publisher: Dharma Communications

Overcoming Arrogance: Linji Sees Huangbo Reading a Sutra by John Daido Loori Roshi

Overcoming Arrogance: Linji Sees Huangbo Reading a Sutra

by John Daido Loori Roshi

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
56 Min.


Zen Buddhism emphasizes meditation as the means to study ourselves and understand who we truly are. The Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism (MRO) was founded in 1980 by American Zen Master John Daido Loori, Roshi. The MRO is an organization of associated temples, practice centers, and sitting groups in the United States and abroad. Daido Roshi is the abbot of the MRO's main house, Zen Mountain Monastery in Mount Tremper, NY, and Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Sensei is resident teacher at the MRO's New York City affiliate, Zen Center of New York City: Fire Lotus Temple. The MRO seeks to provide modern training that integrates spiritual practice with daily life. Dharma talks are an essential aspect of Zen training, and the talks offered here were given at both Zen Mountain Monastery and the Zen Center of New York City.

Feeling superior to others is a common problem for most of us. We cut off other people and dismiss them based on how they look, their gender, or even their age. This arrogance is a barrier to progression in our spiritual life and indeed in all of our life. But it's never too late to see our faults and do our best to turn them around. Our arrogance is based on our conditioning, but if we thoroughly explore ourselves and get beneath the surface, we can understand the root of these attitudes and take responsibility for changing. We see that we don't have all the answers, and this humility allows us to commit ourselves to the spiritual path.

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