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This Author: Ann Coulter
This Narrator: Ann Coulter
This Publisher: Random House Audio

Slander by Ann Coulter


Liberal Lies About the American Right

by Ann Coulter

Title Details

Abridged Edition
Running Time
6 Hrs.
User Rating
  4.0  Stars Based on 2 ratings


The immutable fact of politics in America is this: liberals hate conservatives. Ann Coulter, whose examination of the Clinton impeachment was a major national best seller, now takes on an even tougher issue. At a time when Democrats and Republicans should be overwhelmingly congenial, American political debate has become increasingly hostile, overly personal, and insufferably trivial. Whether conducted in Congress or on the political talk shows, played out at dinners or cocktail parties, politics is a nasty sport.

At the risk of giving away the ending: It's all liberals' fault. Cultlike in their behavior, vicious in their attacks on Republicans, and in almost complete control of mainstream national media, the left has been merciless in portraying all conservatives as dumb, racist, power hungry, homophobic, and downright scary. This despite the many Republican accomplishments of the last few decades, as well as the Bush administration's expert handling of the country's affairs in the wake of the worst attacks on American soil and of the war that followed.

With incisive reasoning and meticulous research, Ann Coulter examines the events and personalities that have shaped modern political discourse. She demonstrates how the media, especially, are biased - and usually wrongheaded - and have done all in their power to obfuscate the issues and the people behind them, bending over backward to villainize and belittle the right, while rarely missing an opportunity to praise the left.

Refreshingly honest and unerringly timely, Slander continues where Bernard Goldberg's number one best selling Bias left off.

Listen to Ann Coulter on C-SPAN's Booknotes (8/11/02).

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