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This Author: Niccolo Machiavelli
This Narrator: Dan Strutzel
This Publisher: Nightingale-Conant

The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

The Prince

by Niccolo Machiavelli

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
3 Hrs. 51 Min.


The Prince is one of the most influential and important early works of modern philosophy and political theory, essential listening for anyone who wants to understand the politics of power, with applicable lessons and cautionary tales for life, government, business, international and foreign affairs, and management.

From his perspective in Renaissance Italy, Machiavelli's aim in this classic work was to resolve conflict with the ruling prince, Lorenzo de Medici. Machiavelli based his insights on the way people really are rather than an ideal of how they should be. This is the world's most famous master plan for seizing and holding power. Astonishing in its candor, The Prince even today remains a disturbingly realistic and prophetic work on what it takes to be a prince, a king, or a president. When Machiavelli was removed from his post in his beloved Florence, he resolved to set down a treatise on leadership that was practical, not idealistic. The Prince he envisioned would be unencumbered by ordinary ethical and moral values. Whether or not you personally agree with some of the advice offered in this treatise, even today, this 16th-century classic has become essential listening for every student of government, and is the ultimate audiobook on understanding power politics.

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