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Bard of the Middle Ages: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer by Michael Drout

Bard of the Middle Ages: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer

by Michael Drout

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
8 Hrs.
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  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


Had Geoffrey Chaucer not written, or not written so well, the last 600 years of English literature would have been decidedly different. His creative style and use of language served as one of the primary foundations on which later writers built. Through his writing, Chaucer's wit, charm, and eloquence give us a deeper understanding of not only the time in which he lived, but of how human emotion, frailty, and fortitude are the base elements of human existence.

Despite social upheaval and the changing fortunes of his patrons and peers, Chaucer remained a favored subject during three distinct and contrasting reigns. His experiences provided Chaucer an appreciation for his good (and bad) fortune - and that of others - made evident in his writing.

Chaucer's works are today widely studied and serve as models for current literature around the world. Chaucer holds a place of esteem as the earliest and one of the foremost writers in the English language.

Lecture 1 Chaucer's Life, Times, and Importance

Lecture 2 Language, Style, and Literary Background

Lecture 3 The Book of the Duchess, The Romance of the Rose, and the Minor Poems

Lecture 4 The House of Fame, Anelida and Arcite, The Parliament of Fowls, and Boethius

Lecture 5 Troilus and Criseyde, Books I-II

Lecture 6 Troilus and Criseyde, Books III-V

Lecture 7 The Legend of Good Women

Lecture 8 The Canterbury Tales: "General Prologue"

Lecture 9 The Canterbury Tales: "The Knight's Tale," "The Miller's Tale," "The Reeve's Tale," and "The Cook's Tale"

Lecture 10 The Canterbury Tales: "The Man of Law's Tale," "The Wife of Bath's Tale," "The Friar's Tale," and "The Summoner's Tale"

Lecture 11 The Canterbury Tales: "The Clerk's Tale," "The Merchant's Tale," "The Squire's Tale," and "The Franklin's Tale"

Lecture 12 The Canterbury Tales: "The Physician's Tale," "The Pardoner's Tale," "The Shipman's Tale," and "The Prioress's Tale"

Lecture 13 The Canterbury Tales: "Sir Thopas," "The Tale of Melibee," "The Monk's Tale," "The Nun's Priest's Tale," and "The Second Nun's Tale"

Lecture 14 The Canterbury Tales: "The Canon's Yeoman's Tale," "The Manciple's Tale," "The Retraction," and Our Conclusions

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