The second installment in the ever lively and ever moving chronicles of Anne Shirely, Anne of Avonlea follows the spunky child as she grows into a caring and optimistic young woman. Working as a teacher as well as continuing her own education, Anne must learn to navigate the responsibilities and expectations of young adulthood while feeling her emotions just as deeply, loving others just as sincerely, and living with the same unquenchable thirst for adventure as ever. Follow along as Anne channels her overflowing compassion to her relationships with her students and neighbors, grows her friendships with Gilbert and Diane, and strives to improve the world around her with her signature charm and whimsy.
This series, published by ONE audiobooks, seeks to produce Classic titles read by well known and loved audiobook narrators. ONE takes great care to cast these titles with readers who will provide an unmatched listening experience for these important works.
Sandra Churchill brings her passion to every performance and is considered to be one of the top audiobook narrators in the industry.