Spanish Audio Books
Featured Spanish Audio Books
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by Paul Noble
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No grammar tests. No memory drills. No chance of failure. Welcome to Learn with Paul Noble - a unique, tried and tested language learning method that has been used by almost a million people to speak fluently and confidently in no time at all.
by Dr. Paul Pimsleur
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You’ll be speaking and understanding in no time flat! Spanish Phase 1, Lessons 1-30 includes 15 hours of spoken language practice and one hour of reading instruction in thirty, 30-minute lessons.
by Juan Kattan-Ibarra
Complete Spanish provides you with a clear and comprehensive approach to Spanish, so you can progress quickly from the basics to understanding, speaking, and writing Spanish with confidence.
by Howard Beckerman
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Sing your way to a new language, anytime, anywhere....
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Learn Spanish while running errands, commuting or even while working out! This Spanish language course is easy and convenient in an all-audio format....
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Wondering how to make use of all that spare time on the plane while you're flying to Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Madrid, or Santiago?...
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Berlitz Spanish Guaranteed is an all-audio language course that allows you to learn at your own pace--on the go, in the gym, at home.
by Jessica Langemeier
Want to speak Spanish? Don't have a lot of time? This practical audio set is designed to help you learn quickly and easily at home or on the road.
by Elisabeth Smith
The quickest way to learn a language just got easier. These easy courses teach only the words and phrases that really matter so learners can start speaking a new language right away and conversing with confidence after only six weeks.
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Baby Talk & Tunes follows baby's day- morning till night- and teaches language along the way.
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