Other Languages Audio Books
Featured Other Languages Audio Books
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by Dr. Paul Pimsleur
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"The Pimsleur® Method: the easiest, fastest way to learn a new language. Completely portable, easily downloadable, and lots of fun. You’ll be speaking and understanding in no time flat!
by Dr. Paul Pimsleur
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You’ll be speaking and understanding in no time flat! Russian Phase 1, Lessons 1-30 includes 15 hours of spoken language practice and one hour of reading instruction in thirty, 30-minute lessons.
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With Berlitz Filipino (Tagalog) in 60 Minutes, anyone can get a quick start to learning basic Filipino words in just one hour. The all-audio format quickly and easily instills over 250 essential words and phrases you need to start communicating—without a need for books or grammar rules.
by Zsuzsa Ponifex
This bestselling language course is now with an audio CD. Learners can use the Teach Yourself Language Courses at their own pace or as a supplement to formal courses.
by John McWhorter
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"I never met a person who is not interested in language," wrote the bestselling author and psychologist Steven Pinker.
by Dr. Paul Pimsleur
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You’ll be speaking and understanding in no time flat! Farsi Phase 1, Lessons 1-30 includes 15 hours of spoken language practice and one hour of reading instruction in thirty, 30-minute lessons.
by Dr. Paul Pimsleur
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You’ll be speaking and understanding in no time flat! Hebrew Phase 1, Lessons 1-30 includes 15 hours of spoken language practice and one hour of reading instruction in thirty, 30-minute lessons.
by Dr. Paul Pimsleur
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The Pimsleur® Method: the easiest, fastest way to learn a new language. Completely portable, easily downloadable, and lots of fun.
by Jae-Hoon Yeon
This bestselling language course is now with an audio CD. Learners can use the Teach Yourself Language Courses at their own pace or as a supplement to formal courses.
by Dr. Paul Pimsleur
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Eastern Arabic Phase 2 includes 15 hours of spoken language practice and one additional hour of reading instruction, and is designed to be used after completing Phase 1.
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