
Chinese Audio Books

Featured Chinese Audio Books

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by Dr. Paul Pimsleur
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Mandarin Chinese Phase 1, Lessons 1-30 includes 15 hours of spoken language practice and one hour of culture notes in thirty, 30-minute lessons.

by Mengjun Liu
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Audio Download | Audio CD

Want to speak Chinese? Don't have a lot of time? This practical audio set is designed to help you learn quickly and easily at home or on the road.

by Robert Blair
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Audio Download

Say BaiBai to the notion that learning a language can’t be fun. Dr. Blair’s Express Lane Chinese teaches you Chinese more quickly and enjoyably than you ever thought possible.

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Audio Download

Pick up the essentials of the Mandarin language with this easy-to-use audio introduction. Covering everything from finding your way to talking about yourself, this Collins 40-minute audio can help you learn short and simple phrases quickly by just listening and repeating.

by Dr. Paul Pimsleur
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Audio Download | Audio CD | Audio Cassette

Mandarin Chinese Phase 3 includes another 15 hours of spoken language practice and one additional hour of culture notes, and is designed is designed to be used after completion of Phases 1 and 2.

by Hugh Baker
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Audio CD | Audio Cassette

This audio will provide a basic understanding of a language spoken by 75 million people in Hong Kong and Southern China, for practical everyday use. It teaches the basics of Cantonese and builds on existing skills.

by Dr. Paul Pimsleur
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The Pimsleur programs provide a method of self-practice with an expert teacher and native speakers in lessons specially designed to work with the way the mind naturally acquires language information.

by Elizabeth Scurfield
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Audio CD

For those who find learning a new language daunting, the Teach Yourself Beginner's Language Series is just what the language teacher ordered.

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Audio Download | Audio CD | Audio Cassette

Comprehensive Mandarin Chinese II includes 30 additional lessons (16 hrs.), which build upon language skills acquired in Level I. Increased spoken and reading language ability. Inc. culture Notes.

by Sarah Carroll
Available on:
Audio CD

In the global market, you need to be able to say more than just “hello” in another language. You need to talk about money, trade, labor, and more. Teach Yourself Business Mandarin Chinese will give you all you need to feel confident about doing business in China.

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