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What Future May Come? by Don Beck

What Future May Come?

by Don Beck

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
1 Hr.


What happens when the editor-in-chief of WIE mediates a conference call cum roundtable discussion between three guys—all of whom happen to be brilliant, preeminent voices in their respective fields of cosmology, cultural evolution, and organizational development—and the topic is the successful continuing evolution of the human race? You get one outrageous conversation, that's what! Each man raises the bar another notch as he brings his unique point of view and depth of experience to bear on the four questions posed by the moderator. The first two questions focus on the world in crisis: What is the nature of this crisis and what new capacities and responses will be required to meet it? The second two questions explore whether the established traditions and religions practiced by the vast majority of humankind will be able to provide adequate support and guidance as 21st century complexities begin to really hit home. Three critical minds tackle crucial issues with insights ranging from the economic to the cultural to the cosmic, all in the service of finding the highest byway that we can—and hopefully will—take toward a positive and ever-evolving future.

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