
Law Audio Books

Featured Law Audio Books

Living Trusts for Everyone

Living Trusts for Everyone
by Ronald Farrington Sharp

Law School Confidential

Law School Confidential
by Robert H. Miller

Doing Justice

Doing Justice
by Preet Bharara

American Prison

American Prison
by Shane Bauer

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by Ward Farnsworth
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There are two kinds of knowledge law school teaches: legal rules on the one hand, and tools for thinking about legal problems on the other.

by Alan M. Dershowitz
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The courtroom trial has fascinated human beings from the beginning of recorded history. Trials are theater, trials are history, and the great trials of the twentieth century and beyond provide a unique window into American history and the sense of America's enduring commitment to law.

by Michael Sandel
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What are our obligations to others as people in a free society? Should government tax the rich to help the poor? Is the free market fair? Is it sometimes wrong to tell the truth? Is killing sometimes morally required? Is it possible, or desirable, to legislate morality?

by Kermit Hall
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The Judiciary in general and the Supreme Court of the United States in particular represent the republic’s most unusual and least understood branch of government. Unlike the elected executive and legislative branches, the justices of the Supreme Court are appointed and serve during good behavior.

by Robert K. Ressler
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Face-to-face with some of America's most terrifying killers, FBI veteran and ex-Army CID colonel Robert Ressler learned from them how to identify the unknown monsters who walk among us - and put them behind bars.

by Jeffrey Toobin
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Based on exclusive interviews with the Supreme Court Justices themselves and other insiders, "The Nine" is a timely and provocative state of the union about America's most elite legal institution.

by Robert H. Miller
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I wish I knew then what I know now! Don't get to the end of your law school career muttering these words to yourself! Take the first step toward building a productive, successful, and perhaps even pleasant law school experience - listen to this audiobook!

by Steve Bogira
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Courtroom 302 is the fascinating story of one year in Chicago's Cook County Criminal Courthouse, the busiest felony courthouse in the country.

by James B. Stewart
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Pulitzer Prize winner James B. Stewart's Den of Thieves tells the full story of the insider-trading scandal of the late 1980s that nearly brought down Wall Street....

by Ronald Farrington Sharp
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Living Trusts for Everyone is the best resource for setting up a living trust. Explaining in specific terms what benefits a trust will have, Ronald Farrington Sharp gives the tools necessary to set up a loved one's trust with no lawyers and no expense.

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