Getting into and paying for college has never been harder. Just the application process is a maze to get through. Now College Coach, America’s number one educational consulting company, gathers its team of experts to write a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to find, apply, get accepted to, and pay for college.Stephen Kramer and Michael London, the founders of College Coach, have gathered a team of former admissions officers to share with parents and students the ten key elements of the college process, from planning high-school courses and activities, through the college application process, to paying for college. In each chapter, the counselor shares his or her views and advice and provides insights, parent to-dos, and case studies that help the reader create an action plan unique to his or her situation. The book is packed with invaluable advice and sidebars called “Don’t Panic!” “Warning!” and “New Rules of College Admissions,” all of which help the parent and student navigate their way through the process.
College Coach has assisted more than 50,000 families with the college admissions process with an astounding success rate of eighty percent getting into their top-choice college. Parents pay up to $8,000 for College Coach’s services, guidance that is now available in this comprehensive guide.