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Getting Things Done with Work-Life Balance by David Allen

Getting Things Done with Work-Life Balance

by David Allen

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
6 Hrs. 30 Min.


Right now, as you’re reading this, you probably have a whirlwind of projects and priorities on your mind. Not to mention an overflowing email inbox, a phone that won’t leave you alone, and we haven’t even mentioned your home life.

Productivity Guru, David Allen, knows this, which is why he created a radical 5-phase automated system anyone can use. At the heart of this system is David’s powerful premise: Our ability to be productive is directly proportional to our ability to relax.

In David Allen’s newest program, he walks you step-by-step in helping you create this unique system. And once you do, you’ll immediately be more calm and relaxed, feel more focused and in control, and essentially be at the top of your game! ALWAYS — when you’re with your boss and your colleagues and when you’re with your family.

It’s this relaxed, stress-free state that drives a non-stop explosion of creative ideas and a heightened level of productivity. Thus opening the door to new energy, new promotions, new wealth, and a new degree of satisfaction in your life.

David Allen’s Getting Things Done brand has helped people throughout the country find the quickest, simplest way to do more. Now it’s your turn. Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll discover:

How to develop a “mind like water” so that nothing can send you into panic mode — no matter how urgent, unexpected, or challenging.

How David’s 6 Horizons of Focus keeps long-range goals and big-picture ideas on your radar screen without losing sight of day-to-day details.

Why your BlackBerry, PDA, or Daytimer might be HOLDING YOU BACK.

How to zero-out your email inbox LIGHTINING FAST using this little-known trick!

How to put your projects and priorities on CRUISE CONTROL with David’s 5 Stages of Control

How a mere TWO MINUTES can save you HOURS of precious time each and every week.

And to top it all off, the master of Getting Things Done, David Allen, invites YOU to walk in his shoes and see exactly how he spends an entire day!

David Allen’s Getting Things Done with Work-Life Balance is your bridge — from your current stress-filled life where little seems to get done — to a new relaxed and results-filled life.

The more calm and content, more successful and satisfied you awaits …

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