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This Author: Kerry L. Johnson
This Narrator: Kerry L. Johnson
This Publisher: Nightingale-Conant

Sales Magic by Kerry L. Johnson

Sales Magic

Revolutionary New Techniques That Will Double Your Sales Volume

by Kerry L. Johnson

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
5 Hrs.


Master the new technology of exceptional selling!

Why is it so important to listen to clients rather than pitch them? What does it really mean when a client breaks eye contact with you? How should you alter your approach when selling to an "auditory" (as opposed to a "visual" or a "kinesthetic") client?

In Sales Magic, you'll discover how to actually double your sales volume by combining powerful selling techniques with cutting-edge psychology. Sales Magic introduces you to an entirely different system of selling, fully based on trust. Research shows that trust is critical to successful selling. When trust is present, clients are more likely to schedule your appointments sooner, discuss needs and buying habits, and inform you about future plans. That trust can take place on a conscious level, but more importantly it needs to take place on a subconscious level.

Learn how to literally "read" your clients!

Kerry Johnson, one of the country's top sales training speakers and consultants, shows you how to build trust by literally "reading" your clients and communicating with them at a subconscious level. So you can predict how and when they'll actually buy.

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