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This Author: Lee Glickstein
This Publisher: Sounds True

Be Heard Now by Lee Glickstein

Be Heard Now

by Lee Glickstein

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
2 Hrs. 45 Min.


Imagine standing in front of a room full of strangers—and feeling absolutely at ease with yourself and in command of what you have to say. Yes, you can end your fear of public speaking, teaches Lee Glickstein, and become a powerfully effective speaker at the same time. On Be Heard Now!, you won’t learn any mechanical techniques or oratorical tricks. What you will learn is how to stop “performing” to audiences and how to start connecting with them.

From the creator of the worldwide Speaking Circles®, here is every step you need to gain ease and magnetism with groups of any size. You will learn what causes stage fright and how to dissolve it on the spot; how to make your listeners feel fully heard and win their rapt attention; the keys to unrehearsed and natural speaking; and how to tap into your innate creativity, humor, and spirit. Finally, Glickstein shows you how to create a complete talk of your own—and how to make it compelling from the very first word to the last.

Thousands of teachers, business people, and performers have already changed their lives through Lee Glickstein’s method. You can learn how too, with Be Heard Now!

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