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This Author: Clay Sherman
This Narrator: Clay Sherman
This Publisher: Nightingale-Conant

The Uncommon Leader by Clay Sherman

The Uncommon Leader

How to Build and Manage a Winning Team

by Clay Sherman

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
4 Hrs. 15 Min.


Dr. Clay Sherman: His ideas can put you over the top!

Everyone wants to be number one these days, and with good reason. America is a competitive society that is facing unrelenting challenges from foreign competitors. Today's managements are looking for new ideas and new leaders. Innovation is sought and prized. The climate is right for becoming an uncommon leader. And nobody makes the process easier than Clay Sherman. He is the founder of Management House, a consulting firm with a client list that includes hundreds of Fortune 500 companies, as well as powerful, emerging organizations.

In The Uncommon Leader you'll learn:

  • Defining Uncommon Leaders: Playing it safe is playing to lose. The five major characteristics common to uncommon leaders. Glimpses of Admiral Halsey Alfred North Whitehead.
  • Developing Managerial Effectiveness: Management defined. The seven functions of management as a bare-bones skeleton. The seven resource Ms. Lessons from Andrew Carnegie and Akio Morita, Sony's founder.
  • Getting Results: Gating. Three key questions. Good delegation skills. Why management isn't perfection... it's improvement.
  • Using People's Strengths: Future focused task orientation and how it pays off. Abe Lincoln's lesson - the one he learned from generals who lost. What to do about weaknesses.
  • Effective Decision Making: What effective decision making is not. Insisting on multiple alternatives. What effective decision makers do and how they do it.
  • Gaining Support: Smart words from Lyndon Johnson. Key strategies for gaining and using power. Attaining visibility.
  • Selling Ideas: Power based on perception. Changing votes, not minds. Group opinions and norms.
  • Building a Winning Team: Clay Sherman's Game, with its six major factors that must be managed well to create a winning team.

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