All great leaders have a personal philosophy: a broad view of the human condition that informs every decision they make and their relationship with the organization and people they lead. Your philosophy is what allows you as a leader to access the kind of deeper, broader insights that result in extraordinary achievements. It is what sets you apart from those who simply "run" companies. To develop and articulate a sound corporate vision - and then follow through on it - you must develop an inner clarity, a ripened personal perspective. The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership explores thought-provoking ideas from Aristotle, Heraclitus, Sophocles, Hesiod, and other classical thinkers, and introduces essential leadership truths, including:
- Live life by a higher code
- Do not waste energy on things you cannot change
- Understand that character is destiny
- Always evaluate information with a critical eye
- Never underestimate the power of personal integrity
The audiobook shows you how to apply each idea to the challenges of the modern workplace and combine it with what you discover about yourself as you delve into your own strengths and weaknesses. You'll develop your own ability to see The Big Picture, connect with members of your organization, foster a meaningful and productive work environment, and steer your corporate ship through any challenge. Skills and experience might land you a leadership position... but they don't make you a true leader. This unique and enlightening guide arms you with eye-opening leadership principles that have stood the test of time.