This is a fast-paced customized series of 14 management seminars that have been designed to convey the greatest amount of useable information in the shortest possible amount of time. The material in each program is based on management seminars that have been developed for and presented to leading corporations for several years. Each program is a condensation of 21 valuable ideas, methods, and techniques drawn from years of practical experience. More than 100 hours of reading, research, and planning have gone into each mini-seminar, giving you just the essential material that you need to be more effective - immediately.
Because these programs have been developed as presentations for live audiences, they are fast-moving, entertaining, informative, and enjoyable to listen to. Brian Tracy is a master of the audio medium; thousands of people in many countries attend his video seminars every month. The idea behind this series was the discovery that 80 percent of the value of the information on any subject is contained in less than 20 percent of the material available. In this series, you get only the top 20 percent of ideas - the techniques you can begin applying today to be more effective and achieve better results. You save time, you save money, and you get high-quality, low-cost professional instruction in the key management areas where you must be knowledgeable if you want to fulfill your potential in your organization.
Seminar titles:
- Setting Business Strategy
- Leadership: The Critical Difference
- The Excellent Manager
- How to Hire; How to Fire
- Delegating and Supervising
- Motivating People Toward Peak Performance
- Managing Meetings That Get Results
- Negotiating Strategies and Tactics
- Executive Time Management
- Marketing Strategy for Fast Growth
- How to Sell Well
- The Creative Manager
- Superior Sales Management
- Pathways Toward Personal Progress