Change has become a constant. Changes in the way we live and work, in our institutions, and our needs and desires. Following in the successful vein of Managing for the Future (1992) and Managing in a Time of Great Change (1995), the incomparable Peter F. Drucker is back with fresh thoughts, insights, and knowledge about the ever-changing business society around us and the ever-expanding management roles required for us all - chiefs, executives, managers, and knowledge workers alike.Two main themes are explored in many of the chapters in Managing in the Next Society: the rapidly expanding information shock wave that had its Internet Big Bang as recently as 1995, and the changing shape of our society to come. Among the six major trends reshaping our lives are: The Global Baby Bust; The New U.S. Demographics; and The New Work Force - trends that are rapidly transforming our world into what Peter Drucker calls the Next Society.