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This Author: Mark C. Crowley
This Narrator: Mark C. Crowley
This Publisher: Hay House

Lead from the Heart by Mark C. Crowley

Lead from the Heart

Transformational Leadership for the 21st Century

by Mark C. Crowley

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
6 Hrs. 43 Min.


In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of his now classic book, visionary Mark C. Crowley provides the roadmap workplace leaders around the world are seeking: how to most successfully and sustainably inspire and manage other human beings in the post-pandemic era.

In just the past two years, nearly 100 million workers quit their jobs in the U.S.- setting all-time records. And job quitting has become a global phenomenon.

While we might imagine that an opportunity to earn greater pay is the #1 driver of this "Great Resignation," research shows two-thirds of the reasons people leave jobs boil down to issues related to their engagement and overall well-being.

More specifically, people quit when they feel they aren't valued, respected, appreciated, coached-or cared about personally-by their manager and organization.

Thanks in large part to the COVID pandemic and a global reset of what matters most to people in their lives, human beings have profoundly evolved in what they need, want and demand in exchange for their work.

Consequently, this radical and permanent change in employee expectations means organizations and managers must rapidly pivot by embracing leadership practices that match the moment - and human nature.

The remedy to the Great Resignation, then, is to adopt more humane ways of managing people, knowing they inherently lead to infinitely greater engagement not to mention optimal employee performance.

In this new and updated version of his seminal and visionary book, Mark C. Crowley draws upon emerging medical and other scientific discoveries which prove it's the heart, not the mind, that drives human motivation and achievement.

While we've long been led to believe that human beings are essentially rational beings ("I think, therefore I am"), emerging research shows that feelings and emotions far more often motivate human behavior and what people care about most and commit themselves to in their lives.

In light of this breakthrough understanding, it's become incumbent upon workplace managers to pay far greater attention to their employees' emotional experience at work-more attention than any of us ever believed necessary.

Ironically, most of us were told the heart has no place in workplace management. In fact, most of us were taught that the heart acts like Kryptonite in leadership: it inherently undermines a manager's effectiveness-and lowers performance.

What makes this book so remarkable is that it brilliantly contradicts all those traditional beliefs and proves why people naturally and instinctively respond to managers who care about them personally and support their deep human needs.

To be absolutely clear, there's nothing soft or weak about the Lead From the Heart philosophy. Instead, it represents the future of workplace management and a roadmap to driving uncommon engagement, productivity and profitability when organizations around the world are wanting it most.

Rich with inspiring stories and illuminating research, this book irrefutably proves that when you lead people with a greater balance of mind and heart, people naturally follow. And they also excel.

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