An abiding love of nature lies at the root of all of Rabindranath Tagore's works. Thousands of pages have been written in appreciation of his writings on nature. However, Tagore has not commonly been considered relevant to the current environmental debate. Using the lens of ecocriticism, the author shows us how Tagore brings up important issues regarding the imbalanced relationship between man and nature, decades before the concept had been formally introduced.
Rabindranath Tagore: A Life of Intimacy with Nature differs from earlier works in its exploration of Tagore's quest to nurture the delicate relationship between the human and natural realms of existence, consciously and consistently. The book shows how an ecocritical evaluation of Tagore, today, can help us discern his pioneering role in this field, especially when man's neglect of the environment is having a disastrous impact on a global scale. This ecobiography helps us understand his life and work anew.