My life has been about believing in what lies just around the corner. After winning American Idol and recording my first commercial album, it still feels like the best is yet to come."For the longest time, the odds against me were discouraging. But there was always a voice inside telling me it was going to get better. Thinking back, my first step toward singing for a living was stealing an Otis Redding album when I was nine. What I heard on that platter was life-changing.
"In Heart Full of Soul, I share some life stories that will hopefully inspire you, and give you a sense of my philosophy and how it drove me. A lot of great fans lined up behind me the night of the Idol finale. This audiobook is about the strange path that led me to that pop-culture moment, and the sharp directional changes that occurred after that phenomenal night, including touring America, producing an album, and experiencing that two-sided gig known as American celebrity."
-Taylor Hicks