This is the full list of audio & video learning publishers & retailers that we currently have publisher pages for. These pages include the major audio book publishers, prominent audio & video learning providers, popular podcast publishers, and other publishers of great audio & video learning content.

Agora Publications, Inc.
The historical Socrates sought to bring philosophy down from the heavens to thrive in the streets of the agora — the market-place.

American Public Media
American Public Radio is a producer of over 20 public radio programs. Many of their programs are available for free to stream or download from their site or to subscribe to as a podcast...

American Rhetoric
American Rhetoric is the Internet's leading resource for free downloadable and streaming audio of historical speeches.

| is the leading provider of premium digital audio information and entertainment on the Internet. provides digital audiobooks, audio newspapers and magazines, podcasts, original programming, and TV and radio subscriptions.

Audio Bookshelf
Audio Bookshelf is a publisher and retailer of 50 unabridged audiobooks with all items available on tape and most of them available on CD.

Audio Connoisseur
Audio Connoisseur is a publisher and retailer of audio books offering more than 40 titles available on cassette, digital download and MP3-CD.

Audio Holdings
Audio Holdings is re-issuing their works for the first time ever in digital format. Their audio books cover such categories as arts & entertainment, children & young adult, the classics, horror, mysteries & thrillers, non-fiction, science-fiction, Shakespearian dramas, Sherlock Holmes, and more Westerns than cows in a cattle-drive.

Audio Partners Publishing Corp.
Audio Partners Publishing publishes and sells over 300 titles on CD and cassette which can be bought on their site or through their retail site which sells their products as well as 8,000 other titles from a hundred other publishers.

| is a digital retailer of more than 200,000 audio books. They offer two monthly plans. Find thousands of audio books to stream or download.

AudioGO is a leading publisher of audiobooks, including bestsellers, modern classics, and award-winning dramatizations.


Berlitz Publishing
Berlitz Publishing is a publisher of language learning audio courses and accompanying course books and reference guides.

At BetterListen! we strive to create, produce and distribute media for a better world. Our spoken word titles feature some of the world's outstanding thinkers, educators, authors, and healers.

Blackstone Audio
Blackstone Audio, Inc. is the largest independent audiobook publisher in the country. Established in 1987, we offer more than 4,000 titles.

Books on Tape
Books on Tape is a division of Random House, Inc. which publishes and sells over 5,000 audiobooks mostly on audio cassette, with about 500 titles available on CD and 400 titles available on MP3-CD.

Brilliance Audio
Audiobook Stand is a retailer of over 3,500 audiobooks most of which are fiction, with bestsellers and new releases featured.

C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network) has been broadcasting public affairs programming and U.S. government proceedings since 1979 and they now offer a complete, freely accessible video archive going back to 1987.

Caedmon Audio
For over 50 years now Harper Collins' imprint Caedmon Audio has consistently published classic literature, drama, and poetry read by the authors or by reknowed actors.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, (CBC), is a producer and retailer of well over 150 audio and video products and programs available on cassette, CD, DVD and VHS.

christianaudio (also know as Hovel Audio) is a publisher of classic Christian audio books that are thoughtful, devotional, and inspiring.

Conversations with History
The Conversations with History Series features over 500 one-hour interviews conducted by host Harry Kreisler, who is the Executive Director of the Institute of International Studies at the University of California at Berkeley.

Crystal Clarity Publishers
Crystal Clarity Publishers is dedicated to teaching principles and practices that help individuals develop an expanded, divine awareness, and to demonstrate practically how to apply these principles to every facet of life...

Franklin Covey
FranklinCovey is the global leader in effectiveness training, productivity tools, and assessment services for organizations, teams, and individuals.

Gildan Media
Gildan Media is home to some of the best audio programs in personal development.

Google Talks
Our collection of Google Talks features top talks from the authors & speakers who visit Google's Mountain View headquarters or other Google offices. Most of these talks come from Google's " @Google Talks" channel and their " GoogleTechTalks" channel on YouTube.

Hachette Audio
Hachette Audio (formerly Time Warner Audiobooks) publishers over 900 unabridged and abridged titles on CD & Audio Download. is pleased to be presenting 100s of their titles on MP3 audio download.

Harper Audio
Harper Audio is a publisher of over 1500 audiobooks on CD and download. In 1952 Harper began its Caedmon Library when Dylan Thomas was recorded reading a collection of his poems.

Hay House
Hay House publishes and sells 450 titles on CD, cassette, & video, most of which are lectures and not available in book format.

HighBridge Audio
HighBridge Audio is an independent publisher and retailer of about 325 audiobooks on CD and cassette.

L.A. Theatre Works
L.A. Theatre Works has produced over 320 works of live audio theatre which have been played on public radio and then sold on CD and Cassette.

Our publisher page features all the audio books, podcasts, and free audio downloads we've published directly at

LibriVox brings together volunteers to read books in the public domain which they offer as free audio book downloads on MP3.

Listen & Live Audio
Listen & Live Audio is publisher and retailer of over 200 audiobooks on cassette and CD, half of which are unabridged.

Listening Library
After publishing its first audiobook in 1955, Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 Days, Listening Library grew into one of the biggest names in the youth audio industry, releasing over 100 titles each year.

Living Language
Living Language is one of the foremost names in the field of foreign language self-study, and since 1946, millions have learned to speak, read, and write a new language with their courses.

Macmillan Audio
MacMillan Audio (formerly Audio Renaissance) publishes over 800 unabridged and abridged titles on CD and download.

Made for Success
Made for Success is committed to helping you turn your potential into performance, succeed in every area of your life, and achieve your dreams.

McGraw-Hill Audio
McGraw-Hill Audio publishes over 150 audio books focusing on the areas of business, language learning, health & self help, and sports & hobbies.

Modern Scholar
Recorded Books publishes and sells the Modern Scholar Series which are recorded lecture audio courses taught by university professors.

National Public Radio
National Public Radio (NPR) is a producer and distributor of news, talk and entertainment programming available for purchase on CD and cassette.

NAXOS AudioBooks
Naxos AudioBooks is a publisher of more than 800 titles which are all available on CD and Digital Download.

New World Library
New World Library publishes and sells over 30 audiobook titles on CD and audio download. They sell leading titles on the topics of spirituality and self development by authors such as Eckhart Tolle, Dan Millman, Shakti Gawain, and Deepak Chopra.

Nightingale-Conant has established itself as one of the world's foremost publishers of self help and business strategy programs. They publish and sell over 400 audio & video programs.

Oasis Audio
Oasis Audio Publishes and Sells Over 1000 Audio Book Titles on CD and Audio Download.

PBS produces and sells more than 1500 PBS Home Video Products covering a dozen different subjects ranging from art, history and nature to news, religion, sports and travel.

Penguin Audio
Penguin & Putnam Berkley Audio publishes and sells 1000 audio titles on audio download.

Penton Overseas
Penton Overseas offers 200 + titles for those who are serious about becoming proficient at a foreign language.

Phoenix Audio
We are one of the nation's leading producers of audio books.

Pimsleur Language Learning Programs are published by Simon & Schuster Audio covering over 50 different languages in over 200 different programs.

Random House Audio
Random House Audio has published over 2500 audiobooks on CD & Audio Download.

Recorded Books
Recorded Books is an independent publisher and distributor of over 6,500 audiobooks on CD and download.

Simon & Schuster Audio
Simon & Schuster Audio is major publisher of more than 1500 audio titles on CD and download.

Sounds True
Sounds True has published over 1000 titles on audio download, CD, & DVD. They began as a conference and lecture recording service and continue to release many titles on spirituality and self development by famous authors and teachers which are not normally available in print.

Speechworks is a publisher and retailer specializing in famous speeches, biographies and events available on audio.

Tantor Audio
Tantor Audio publishes and sells over 3000 unabridged audiobooks which are available in CD, MP3-CD, and audio download formats.

The Great Courses
The Great Courses, formerly known as The Teaching Company, produces over 700 lecture courses taught by professors at the nation's leading universities, which they sell on CD, DVD, Audio Download, Online Video, and Video Download.

The Relaxation Company
The Relaxation Company has been creating musical and spoken recordings that assist people in their quest for inner calm and balance for 20 years.

Thomas Nelson Word
Thomas Nelson Word is a publisher of audio Bibles and Christian audio books covering a variety of topics such as Christian living, business, relationships, and self-help.

Thought Audio
Our journey has always been one of making classic literature available to anyone willing to listen, and now in this next phase, to expand our scope to include more thinkers, writers and essayists.

Writer's AudioShop
Writer's AudioShop publishes & sells over 30 products which cover topics such as writing fiction, writing for film & TV, and other audio programs on writing.

Yale Open Courses
Yale University offers dozens of free courses on audio & video through their Open Yale Courses program.

Zondervan is a publisher of audio Bibles and other audio books covering all aspects of Christian living.