
Crystal Clarity Publishers

Crystal Clarity Publishers is dedicated to teaching principles and practices that help individuals develop an expanded, divine awareness, and to demonstrate practically how to apply these principles to every facet of life: business, family, health, education, and spirituality. Inspired by the great Indian teacher, Paramhansa Yogananda, and Crystal Clarity's founder, Swami Kriyananda, our offerings strive to combine the highest insights of the East with the practical-mindedness of the West.

Crystal Clarity means to see oneself, and all things, as aspects of a greater reality; to seek to enter into conscious attunement with that reality; and to see all things as channels for the expression of that reality. It means to see truth in simplicity; to seek always to be guided by the simple truth, not by opinions; and by what is, not by one's own desires or prejudices. It means striving to see things in relation to their broadest potential. In one's association with other people, it means seeking always to include their realities in one's own.

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by Paramahansa Yogananda
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This is not an ordinary audiobook. It is a spiritual treasure. To hear its message of hope to all truthseekers is to begin a great adventure.

by Paramahansa Yogananda
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Rarely in a lifetime does a new spiritual classic appear that has the power to change people's lives and transform future generations. This is such a book.

by Paramahansa Yogananda
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The Essence of Self-Realization, nearly 300 sayings rich with spiritual wisdom, is the fruit of that labor of love. The scope of this book is vast - it offers as complete an explanation of life's true purpose, and the way to achieve that purpose, as may be found anywhere.

by J. Donald Walters
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These 52 affirmations and prayers (one for each week of the year) will help you to strengthen your positive qualities, such as good health, will power, forgiveness, security, happiness, and many others.

by J. Donald Walters
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Unlock the hidden secrets of true abundance. This book can change your life by changing how you think and feel about money.

by Paramahansa Yogananda
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Listeners will be awakened by deep spiritual truths within this famous poem as Walters sings the verses, reads the quatrains, and follows each with Yogananda's expanded, clarified meaning.

by J. Donald Walters
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Meditation brings balance into our lives, providing us a refuge of profound rest and renewal that we can carry with us into all of our daily activities.

by J. Donald Walters
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The Path is a fascinating story of one man's search for the truth. J. Donald Walters (also known as Swami Kriyananda) recounts how, as a young man, he examined and discarded as false many of the promises offered by modern society.

by J. Donald Walters
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Designed both for beginning and experienced meditators, Meditations to Awaken Superconsciousness provides easy, gentle guidance to help beginners quickly feel the benefits of meditation and experienced practitioners break through blocks and deepen their experience.

by Swami Kriyananda
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Learn how the chakras tangibly affect your daily life and how to use their special energies to speed your spiritual progress.

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